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What Door Will You Open?

$10,000: Opens the door for five survivors to move into their own apartment for the very first time on their path to freedom.
$5,000: Opens the door for five survivors to receive job training, gain employment, and build economic independence outside of the sex trade.
$2,500: Opens the door for 10 survivors to escape their trafficker and move into REST’s emergency shelter where they can finally rest and begin to recover from years of trauma.
$1,000: Equip two more organizations across the US to open even more doors to freedom for survivors of sex trafficking.
$500: Opens the door for 10 victims of sex trafficking to take that first step toward safety through REST’s 24/7 crisis intervention hotline.
$250: Opens the door for five survivors to regain their legal identification after it’s been taken from them by their trafficker.

I would like to open doors


Thank you to our Sponsors!